cloning: positive and negative prospects

Cloning has both negative and positive effects on humans. Carrying out the experiment is not easy and sometimes, does not give fruitful results.

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Cloning refers to the process of creating a replica which resembles the original entity. Cloning a human would mean the production of another human being through scientific measures. Although this process was a huge leap for science when the first cloned human was born in 2002, many countries have prohibited the practice of such an act.

The process of cloning would ease the crisis relating to organ transplantation and could help create humans with special abilities. However, the produced organisms have turned out to be less immune and have not met the expectations of the researchers.

Cloning has many possibilities regarding organ transplantation as many people lose their lives every year due to the lack of organs needed for their pharmaceutical treatments. Such a crisis could be solved by reproducing the required organs.

In the past few years, scientists have been able to create a replica of various organs, such as the liver. If the organs such as heart and kidney could be reproduced, it would save many people's lives. With the help of the duplicate body systems, humans could live a longer life by the changing of organs every now and then.

Creating a clone does not necessarily mean the exact copy, with the same characteristics of a man to be created. Through the use of upgraded scientific equipment, the replica could be inserted with a new and special ability than that of the man.

As per this concept, the clone of a blind person will be able to see, and the clone of a sterile man will be able to reproduce. This will turn out to be a huge achievement and can specially serve the differently-abled people. With the successful accomplishment of this experiment, the day when humans will have superpowers is not far. 

In most cases, the xerox organisms have turned out to be weaker than the actual organism. Many cloned animals die before their adulthood due to various health complications.

The first cloned Australian sheep was very energised and enthusiastic on the day it died. Such abnormal conditions may arise when mankind is cloned.

The tissues of the cloned organisms are not able to resist the diseases effectively. As a result, they become weak, unhealthy and dull. Such outcomes would only become a waste of time and money. Therefore, the cloned organism will have to suffer throughout its life.

The researches carried out on cloned animals has not been as expected. Researches have shown the cloned organism to possess some different characteristics than the ones expected.

Loss of natural instincts have also been observed in the produced lives. The cloned organisms tend to die early and not contribute to the research programmes. The clone of a dull man may turn out to be enthusiastic, whereas the clone of an active person may be inactive.

These changes in characteristics have been a mystery that has deprived science from drawing a valid conclusion. Due to lack of good results, the experiments have turned out ineffective.


Cloning has both negative and positive effects on the human race. Carrying out the experiment is not easy, and sometimes, does not give fruitful results. However, it has contributed for research purposes and has helped us to know about the characteristics of the produced organism.

Although in the future, cloning may be completely effective; for now, it also has some drawbacks. Therefore, the cloning activities should only be carried out in a cautiously-monitored way and should be made sure not to cause any harmful effects.

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