About Us

Welcome to Tipsaza, where we share insightful tips on Finance, Travel, Tech, Science, Health, Lifestyle, and Sports. Our team of six dedicated writers work tirelessly to provide you with valuable content that you can use in your everyday life.

Our team is made up of experts in their respective categories, each bringing their unique perspective and experience to the table.

Meet our team members:

  • Kush Bogati, our Finance guru, has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry, providing tips and advice to help you manage your money wisely.
  • Sadhan Ghimire, our Travel enthusiast, has visited over 50 countries and shares her firsthand experiences and recommendations on the best places to visit around the world.
  • Shiwansh Raj Acharya, our Tech expert, has a passion for all things technology and shares the latest trends and innovations in the tech world.
  • Arnav Bhatta, our Health expert, is a registered dietitian and shares tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition, exercise, and mental health.
  • Bigyan Poudel, our Lifestyle guru and a Sports enthusiast, has a knack for finding the best products and services to help you live your best life, from home decor to beauty products as well as covers everything from professional sports to amateur leagues, providing insights and analysis on the latest games and events.
  • Firefly, our Lifestyle and Motivation writer, has a passion for inspiring others and providing practical tips on how to live a fulfilling life.

At our core, our mission is to provide you with informative and entertaining content that helps you make the most of your life. We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in each of our categories, and sharing our knowledge and expertise with you.

Over the years, we have achieved many milestones and accomplishments, including publishing hundreds of articles, reaching thousands of readers, and receiving recognition from top publications and industry leaders.

We hope you enjoy exploring our website and finding valuable information that enhances your life.
Follow us on social media for even more insights and engage with us through our contact form if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you for choosing us as your go-to source for tips and advice on Finance, Travel, Tech, Science, Health, Lifestyle, and Sports.

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