Why to Switch Off Mobile in Flight?

Learn about the safety reasons and regulations for turning off your mobile device during flight. Protect yourself and others!

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Airplane mode or Turning off mobile phones on a flight.

Think about all those moments you've had to rudely hang up on someone or send that quick text message from your mobile before an airplane's takeoff.

a girl on her phone in a airplane

And that is because all of us eventually succumb to the constant trouble of flight attendants during each flight.

But, why is it so necessary to switch off your phone, or put it in airplane mode during the flight? 

After eventually maneuvering into our appointed seats in an aircraft, you'll always hear the universal (and kind of cliché) announcement come over the speakers. “Please turn off your electronic devices during take off.”

flight attendant asking passengers to switch off their phone

This is when people sulkily switch off their electronic devices and stay for the all-clear, which is generally once the airplane is thousands of feet up in the sky. 

The main basis why the use of electronic devices is prohibited during takeoff is because they emit radio waves, which are presumed to disturb the radio communications of the plane.

A airplane's cockpit

This is a safety measure to ensure that the airplane can interact properly and avoid any disastrous outcome.

However, similar signal interference has never really caused a single airplane crash to date.

In fact, a lot of airlines have now introduced in-flight Wi-Fi services that require one's device to be connected via radio waves

a laptop with internet access inside a airplane

It's never been proven that a mobile phone signal has interfere with the navigation performance of the aircraft. But just because it's never occurred does not mean it'll never happen. So, the rule has been created only as a preventative principle.

Most airlines deem it necessary to switch off electronic devices basically as an act of caution, especially during takeoff or landing, which are the most critical phases of a flight. So, always switch off your phones because it's always better to be safe than sorry, right? 

Adding up, did you know that Alec Baldwin, the famed Hollywood actor, was formerly asked to leave an airplane when he declined to switch off his phone because he was playing an online game?


Finally, all effects considered, it’s presumably a good idea to keep your smart devices in your pocket (and turned off) during a flight and enjoy the feeling of being thousands of feet above the ground. Leave the digital world far backward and try to chill. You're high in the clouds, after all.

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