Why Do We Wake Up Suddenly in the Middle of the Night

Sudden awakenings at night can be frustrating and disrupt your sleep. Learn about the causes and how to overcome them for better rest.

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Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night? If yes, then this blog is definitely for you!

All of us deserve a relaxing sleep at the end of the day, after all the hard work we do from morning to evening. However, sound sleep is not in everyone’s luck as some people have difficulty falling asleep, while others may suffer from an interrupted sleep pattern. What is it that causes interference in your sleep-wake pattern?

Well, it can be anything from an urge to empty your bladder to a physical or mental disorder. Nevertheless, in most cases, it is mostly due to your diet, stress, health condition, sleep anarchy, or surroundings.

“But how are factors such as my diet or my surroundings responsible for my biological rhythm?” Let me explain it to you.

What are the factors affecting your sleep?


The food you consume is widely responsible for the way your body functions. A healthy diet results in a healthy body, and eventually a good night’s sleep. If you have trouble sleeping peacefully, it may be because of your caffeine intake.

People who regularly intake caffeinated products such as coffee, chocolate, cold drinks, and green tea have trouble dozing off, especially when consumed later in the day. Likewise, although alcohol may help you fall asleep shortly, it will wake you up midway into the dark and not let you drop off.

One study even concluded that caffeine can delay the timing of your natural body clock, reducing your total sleep time. 


It is almost impossible to fall asleep in an uncomfortable environment. The lighting, temperature, and sounds, as well as pets, can make it difficult to fall asleep during your sleep cycle. Changing the room’s lighting to a dark shade can enhance your snooze.

You can wear an eye mask to block the surrounding light as well. In the same manner, the area nearby needs to be free of unnecessary and disharmonic sounds. Most people find it easier to fall asleep in a slightly colder room than in a hotter one. So, lowering the temperature of your air conditioner can turn out to be effective. 


Excessive levels of stress disrupt sleep by lengthening the time it takes to doze off and also breaking the sleep pattern. On average, stressed adults only receive 6.2 hours of sleep compared to 7.1 hours, for adults with lower stress levels.

High-stress levels cause rapid uneasy thoughts to pop up at night, messing up your head. Stress and tension time and again lead to sleeping disorders in people.

4.Sleeping Disorders

Sleep apnea, night terrors, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD), and restless leg syndrome are some of the sleeping disorders that make sleeping experience hell for some people. Such conditions can obstruct the flow of air to the body, make one feel scared during sleep, cause pain in joints and legs, and cause limbs to yank during movement, respectively.

Consult your doctor if the complications accelerate. 

Apart from the discussed causes, smoking and tobacco intake, excessive use of electronic gadgets, psychological causes, hormones, digestive problems, and excessive drinking of water can further aid the problem. 

What are the measures for an enhanced sleeping experience?

  • Refraining from alcohol consumption and smoking. 
  • Avoiding caffeinated products as much as possible. 
  • Not drinking water a few hours prior to bedtime.
  • Limiting the daily screen time.
  • Involving in regular exercises.
  • Not taking naps during the daytime.
  • Maintaining a suitable room temperature.
  • Spending some time outdoors every day.

If you feel trouble falling asleep even after following all possible measures, make sure to consult a doctor. 

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