9 things no one told you about solo travel

You’ll feel lonely at least once during your solo travel and you may even need to cry. Also you need to take part in a lot of small conversations

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Spending your time traveling is a self-investment. It excites you, scares you, and ultimately changes you; even more so during solo trips.

Solo traveling is empowering and liberating without a doubt. And unsurprisingly, there are just so many articles out there that romanticize solo travel. It is becoming more popular and can be great for people who want to explore the world and become more independent. An individual tour is unarguably one of the most exciting and enriching experiences you can have!

During tours, you get to learn so much about the world we live in, which helps you grow as a person. Everybody deserves to experience companionless expeditions at some point in their life. 

Even though traveling alone is a great experience, there’s so much you need to know before taking on this adventure.

Here are a few things people don't tell you about solo travel.

1.It will be weird

If you are a first-timer, keep in mind that you'll likely feel weird at first. You'll probably need some time to get used to being alone, which is completely normal.

2.You’ll get to hear tons of stories

Going out for a tour means meeting tons of people and having tons of social interactions. All these interactions have something unique in them. The people you meet along the way will have various stories to offer, either about themselves or their surroundings. And the best part of these stories is that all of them are interesting. 

3.You’ll need to practice a lot of small talks

You take part in a lot of small conversations when you solo travel. Whether it is introducing yourself to people, going on a walk, or running into people on the bus or train, you will be doing a lot of small talks. So better get used to it.

4.You will get lonely

Chances are you’ll feel lonely at least once during your journey and you may even need to cry. This is the hardest part of every individual trip that most people don’t mention. Crying just happens when you’re first starting as a solo traveler and happens to experienced solo travelers as well. It is normal. If you ever meet a solo traveler that claims they haven’t cried, the person is probably lying.

5.You will miss your home

Solo voyages put you out of your comfort zone. Just like crying, it is unavoidable that you will get homesick at some point in your independent trip. You will yearn for your bed, your friends and family, and how easy everything was at home.

6.Not everyone you meet will be good

Most people are excited to meet new people on these single-handed trips but that's not always the case. Sure you may meet someone nice in the hotel or the bar, but not everyone you meet will be friendly. You need to be very cautious when interacting with strangers as their intentions are unknown. So, beware and make the most out of your trip.

7.It is not for everyone

While solo trips may be exciting and enriching for many, they might be boring and mind-numbing for others. Forcing everyone to go on an independent trip, is like saying all fingers of the hand should be the same size. It can work for some but not for others. That’s just how it is.

8.It will switch your perspective on life

Unescorted traveling will change your perspective on life. A solo trip can change the whole way you view your life. It may change what you value more. It gives you those once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

9.You’ll forever be grateful

During the journey, there may be many ups and downs. You may face a few problems when moving alone. Nevertheless, in the end, you’ll be left with tears of joy and a feeling of pride. You’ll be glad to complete the journey by yourself. All those memories will remain with you throughout your lifetime and will give you some beautiful remembrances to hold on to.


Having written all that, I’d still travel unaccompanied because the experiences are so worth it. You realize the kindness of strangers, learn to trust your gut instinct, and make lifelong connections along the way. The challenges help you build your character, ultimately making you a better person. Nevertheless, don’t let the horrors of solo traveling stop you from going on an epic crusade.

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