5 Compelling Reasons to Switch to an Electric Car in 2023

Discover the environmental, financial, and performance benefits of switching to an electric car in 2023. Find out why going electric is a smart choice.

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are unarguably the future of automobiles. With the ongoing rate of climate change and global warming, there is actually no alternative for electric cars in the days to come. Switching to an electric car is now more trouble-free than in the past, due to their wide access. Either for their super cool looks or amazing features, electric vehicles are just too hard to resist.


With many developed countries encouraging their people to use an alternative energy source rather than fossil fuels, countries like China and Norway are significantly taking a leap in this matter. As of 2019, China sold 645,000 electric cars, compared to just 190,000 in 2015.

Likewise, Norway has the most extensive EV usage in the world, with 58% of new car sales in Norway being electrically chargeable in the first half of 2019. Such developed countries encouraging their citizens to drive an EV further highlights the importance of this mode of transportation. 

Here are 5 reasons that make electric cars stand out from traditional fuel-powered vehicles.

1.Cheaper in the long run

Although the initial purchase cost of electric vehicles may be a bit more, in the long run, they turn out to be the most budget-friendly accommodation. With the price of gas more than $1 per liter, just imagine how much money you’ll save just by going green.

EVs are usually 3.5 times cheaper per mile than fuel-powered automobiles; as the cost needed to run an electric vehicle for a mile is roughly $0.04 compared to $0.14 for diesel. 

2.Feasibility in taxes

As many countries are looking to lower their dependency on fossil fuels, they encourage their citizens to buy EVs. For the same reason, several countries have been waving off certain percent of taxes, only for electric vehicles. The tax percentage is usually determined by the amount of emission released by the automobile. The lower the emission, the lesser the tax you need to pay. 

3.Easier to drive

There’s only a single gear in electric cars. Due to this very reason, many of the complications that may arise while driving, do not prevail in EVs. Likewise, they have improved the transmission of torque from the motor to the wheel and are filled with more technological facilities. All these prospects smoothen the overall driving experience.

4.Lower maintenance cost

As electric motors do not consist of a gasoline engine, more than two-dozen parts are absent in these vehicles, relative to petrol vehicles. The battery, motor, and other related machinery require very minimum to no regular maintenance at all. What’s more? You won’t have to expend a hefty sum on brake pads and rotors, thus saving a significant amount.

5.Reduced carbon emissions

EVs emit lesser greenhouse gases and air contaminants than conventional types of vehicles. Some electric cars even have zero carbon emissions. These types of vehicles help in the conservation of the environment, and eventually climate change as a whole. Even if half the car users across the globe switch to electric automobiles, it will be a great relief for the depleting ozone layer in the atmosphere. Moreover, a reduced level of pollutants in the air means healthy lungs for the residents.    


EVs are currently widely accessible, and easier to use, giving them an upper hand. Hence, purchasing an electric car is the most thoughtful thing you could ever do, for yourself and for the planet we live in. 

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