5 Questions Not to Ask a Woman

Get tips on how to communicate respectfully and effectively with women by avoiding these inappropriate questions.

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Asking inappropriate questions or making inappropriate comments can be offensive, disrespectful, and can make others feel uncomfortable. It is important to be mindful of the words we use and the questions we ask, especially when interacting with others who may have different experiences and perspectives.

In this article, we will explore five questions that are better left unasked when speaking to a woman. By understanding what not to ask, we can improve our communication skills and create a more respectful and positive environment for everyone.

1)Are You Pregnant?

Although this question may seem pretty normal for us, for a woman, it isn’t. Asking her if she’s pregnant is likely to make her feel uncomfortable, especially if she doesn’t want others to know the good news yet. Likewise, since some women suffer from reproductive complications and some are not even willing to have children, questions as such won’t make them happy for sure.

You may further appear rude if the woman isn’t pregnant and it is just the shape of her body. 

2)Why Don’t You Smile More?

I get it guys, when you ask this question to a lady, it is in many instances, because you want to see them smile and light up the world.However, this question can also be interpreted as asking a person why they are sad most of the time. In addition, they’ll think of you as a guy who wants to have total control over her, including her emotions. 

3)Why Don’t You Try Makeup? / Why Do You Put on So Much Makeup?

Believe me, lads, this is one question you should on no account ask a lady; unless you are leaving for Mars of course, and never returning to Earth again. As every individual is capable of making an autonomous decision, it’s totally up to her if she wants or wants not to put on some foundation and mascara.

Some women feel more comfortable when their hair is well done and when their appearances look perfect. Similarly, some women don’t prefer makeup as they feel comfortable in their natural skin. Whichever a girl she is, let her make her decisions for herself. 

4)Are You Being Cranky Due to Periods?

Well, she is probably being cranky due to her periods, but this isn’t a question you should be asking her. Interrogating her if it’s her hormones that are causing her to act a certain way, is a great way of undermining her emotions.

She may be upset because she had a rough day, or due to some bitter event. Blaming her sensations regarding something on periods isn’t a good way to go. Moreover, asking this question is bound to start a fight, especially if she is not on her period and because you think women can only get sentimental during that time of the month.

5)Are You a Virgin?

Asking a woman if she’s had sex before, is under no circumstance, morally right. Believe me, asking this question can lead to a very awkward conversation as not everyone is open about their sex life. Moreover, you come off as a jerk whose only intention is to get inside her pants.

Furthermore, she would most likely think of you as a conservative man who has no respect for her and considers her cheap. You certainly don’t want that to happen, do you?


In conclusion, it is important to be mindful of the words we use and the questions we ask when interacting with others, particularly women.

By avoiding these five inappropriate questions, we can show respect and sensitivity towards women and create a more positive and inclusive environment. It is important to remember that everyone has the right to feel safe and respected, and that it is our responsibility to create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone.

By being conscious of our words and actions, we can all play a role in building a more inclusive and respectful society.

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