Top 10 Myths Busted With Facts

Get the facts and bust the myths! In this article, we'll reveal the truth behind 10 commonly believed myths and provide evidence to back it up.

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Have you ever heard a myth that you just couldn't believe was true? We all have.

Myths and legends have been passed down through the ages, and many of them have become widely accepted as fact. But how do we know which myths are true and which ones are just stories?

In this article, we'll take a look at 10 commonly believed myths and provide evidence to bust them once and for all.

So grab your skepticism hat and join us as we debunk some of the most famous myths out there.

1.Colour red enrages bulls

Everyone must have once believed this myth. However, it's not the color, but the movement of the fabric that triggers the beast. Since bulls are red-green colorblind, they can't actually see the color Red.

2.Only 10 percent of our brains is used

According to neurologist Barry Gordon, the above mentioned statement is just a myth. "We use virtually every part of the brain and most of the brain is active all the time.", Barry told Scientific American.

3.A person needs to drink at least eight glasses of water a day

As per the Mayo Clinic, your daily water intake depends on various factors, such as your activity level, yours lifestyle or your health status. So as long as you're healthy and hydrated, you're good to go.

4.Swimming right after you eat gives you cramps

Digesting the food you've consumed surely requires extra blood, but that doesn't mean your limbs won't get any of those RBCs.

5.Dogs only see in Black and White

According to Veterinarian Barbara Royal, although dogs can't see as many colors as we do, they can actually differentiate between colors. Now you know why your dog barks when you put on that disgusting orange dress.

6.You swallow eight spiders throughout your lifetime, while asleep

Swallowing a spider sounds, (or probably tastes) yucky, but relax! We've got you covered. As per Scientific American, spiders do not intentionally make human contact and a person would probably scare off one. Thus, the chances of you eating up a spider are low, and eating eight of them are even lower.

7.Bats don't have vision

This one right here is probably the most spread myth. As claimed by Bat Conservationist Rob Mies, bats can see three times better than humans.

8.Humans only have five senses

In school, everyone of us learnt about having five senses. Nevertheless, there are scientists who believe in humans having between 14 to 20 senses.

9.A thicker hair grows back after shaving

The color, thickness or the growth rate doesn't change after shaving. The hair may appear more in number, even if that isn't the actual scenario.

10.Cracking your knuckles too often can cause Arthritis

According to Harvard Medical School, cracking your knuckles doesn't cause Arthritis. The cracking noise arises as a result of collapsing gas bubbles. Although, it may weaken the strength of your grip, with time.


We hope you enjoyed this myth-busting journey with us! As we've seen, many of the myths we commonly believe are actually not true. While some myths may have a kernel of truth at their core, it's important to be critical and to seek out evidence before accepting something as fact.

By questioning the myths and legends that surround us, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people around us.

So next time you hear a myth that seems too good (or too strange) to be true, remember to do your own research and think critically about the evidence.

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