How to Increase Height Naturally

One can increase their height up to 4 inches with the tried and tested methods mentioned below.

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Having a good height is almost everyone’s dream. Although everyone wants to reach a reasonable height, some might not be able to, due to factors, such as their genes. Since the gene is the major factor that determines one’s height, a person with tall parents usually grows up to become tall, whereas a person with short family members has a high chance of being short as well.

However, why do so many people want to become tall? Is it so that they won’t have to sit on their taller friend’s shoulders during Queen’s concert? Perhaps, yes. Nevertheless, it is also because tall people may find themselves more confident, smart, and attractive; only because of their towering physicality. Here are the tried and tested methods to increase height naturally.


1)Consume a Balanced Diet

After genes, nutrition plays the most vital role in determining one’s height. The body requires all sorts of nutrients such as proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates for its development.

When these elements are not present in the body in the optimum amount, the body can not grow to its true potential; hence making a person short. Therefore, consuming a balanced diet that includes all the necessary components to maximize your growth will turn out to be helpful. Fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, whole grains, and sources of proteins, such as eggs, pulses, and meat are food items that assist in growth and development.

2)Get Proper Hours of Sleep

While sleeping, the pituitary gland releases the growth hormone that aids in growth and repair. The more the release of the growth hormone, the taller you become.

During a 2013 study, children and teenagers getting a proper amount of sleep (8-9 hours a day, at least) showed better growth than those who had a problem sleeping. The experiment thus concluded that the children with poor sleep quality do not grow to their true potential, be it physically or mentally.

So, if you are a person regularly getting less sleep, it might be the reason for your poor height.

3)Stay Active

Daily exercise is proven to have numerous health benefits, such as strengthening the muscles and bones. Not only do regular exertions make you stronger, but also help you in maintaining a moderate weight and heighten your physique.

Similar to sleep, exercise too, stimulates the growth hormone. Involving in strength-building workouts such as push-ups and sit-ups, flexibility exercises such as yoga, and cardio like skipping can help you add extra inches to your body.

4)Correct your Posture

A proper posture makes a person appear tall. If you are slumped or slouched, you naturally appear to be shorter than you actually are. Overtime, this slumping and slouching affects your true altitude. A posture correcting device along with exercises targeting posture improvement emerge to be favorable in this regard.

5)Don’t Smoke

Smoking has several health hazards like cancers and heart attacks and doesn’t spare one’s height too. As per Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), smoking during pregnancy obstructs the proper development of the fetus. The fetus later grows to have several complications.

Likewise, a 2015 research concluded that teenagers with heavy Marijuana use experienced puberty earlier, which hindered their extension.

Genes determine a person’s height to a large extent. However, practicing the above-mentioned tips may increase some people’s height; but there is no assurance. 

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