What Lack of Sleep Causes to Your Body

According to experts, your body can suffer from several health complications when you lack sleep, putting your life under threat.

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Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely crucial for human health. Your body can suffer from several health complications when you are sleep deprived, putting your life under threat.

7 health disorders that may arise due to lack of sleep. 

1.Sex Drive Vanishes

According to experts, sleep deprived individuals experience lower urge to engage in sexual activities.

The decrease in libido is directly linked to stress, relationship problems, and in the worst case, Erectile Dysfunction in men. Such people are observed to have lower testosterone levels, which brings further issues in the body. 

2.Aging of Skin

People who have missed a few night’s snooze can be noticed to have pale skin and puffy eyes.

However, those who suffer from severe sleep disturbance usually have a bland skin color, along with dark circles under their eyes. Due to inadequate sleep, stress hormones are released, which break the skin collagen which is responsible to keep the skin glossy and resilient. 

3.Increased Risks of Cardio-vascular Diseases

Low levels of sleep alters the normal functioning of the circulatory system. The actions responsible for keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy are disturbed in such circumstances.

This directly affects your blood sugar levels, causes soreness and results in fluctuation in blood pressure.

Moreover, insomnia is one of the major causes for heart attacks and strokes.

4.Weak Immunity

When asleep, the body produces antibodies and various defensive matters which help in fighting disease-causing pathogens. Some of these substances even help you fall asleep.

Restlessness prevents your body from building up such immunizers and increases the risk of exposure to various viruses and bacterias, ultimately making you ill.

5.Weight Gain

Improper sleep influences the level of hormones responsible for the sensation of starvation and well-fed. Without sleep, the appetite restoratives become less functional and eventually result in blubber. In addition, less insulin is released which then causes diabetes

6.Mental Abilities are Disturbed

During one’s sleep cycle, nerve tracts are formed, connecting neurons. These very neurons help you receive and recall all the information you’ve absorbed.

Restlessness lessens the proficiency of nerve-cells, leaving the brain weary. Correspondingly, your coordination is delayed, which often results in accidents.

Likewise, a sleep deprived person is more prone to being impulsive, dull and suffer frequent mood swings

7.High Chances of Depression

According to a study carried out in 2007, insomnia is vigorously associated with depression. In a survey of 10,000 people, it was found that insomniacs are 5 times more likely to suffer from depression.

Sleeplessness provokes melancholy, which then makes it more challenging to fall asleep, repeating the same processes all over again.


Sleep loss is a problem many people suffer from. When not taken good care of, it can lead to vicious outcomes.

However, measures such as restricting day time naps, reducing alcohol intake, avoiding heavy meals just before bedtime, exercising often and holding back the use of electronic gadgets before bed-time is a good way to go. In short, make sure you get a sound sleep and ultimately, a happier life !

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