7 Harmful Effects of Consuming Cold Drinks

Immoderate input of cold drinks may have similar effect on your liver, like that of heavy alcohol drinkers.

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In the present time, cold drinks are the most popular drinks among children, and even youths. Although the sweet flavour they offer tastes heaven on the mouth, the very same taste has several harmful effects on your body, most of which don't show up for years. 

What consequences cold drinks have on human health?

1.Kidney Failures

The artificial sweeteners added to soft drinks have been found to cause kidney disorders among regular consumers.

Hence, frequent intake of diet versions of drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi have led to more impairments, compared to the sweet ones.


The present population consists of more number of obese children and teenagers than previous generations. These figures remarkably represent the popularity of junk foods and sodas among the indicated group.

The sweeteners used during the processing are great causes of obesity and corpulence.

3.Decrease in Metabolism

Cold drinks have been found to slow down the natural metabolism of the human body. Although a can of soda after a workout session may be refreshing, it surely isn't helping you remain in shape.

Daily intake of carbonated drinks puts you at a risk of gaining weight.


Due to the nature of the disease, patients suffering from diabetes are advised to refrain from the ingestion of soft drinks. The contents of such liquors almost doubles the sugar level in the blood, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes.

Likewise, even non-diabetic people are at a risk of catching the disease due to its excessive intake. These beverages damage the pancreas, eventually causing diabetes.

5.Liver Problems

Not only do Colas damage your kidney, but also injure the liver. Immoderate input of carbonated drinks may have similar effect on your liver, like that of heavy drinkers. Furthermore, such drinks increase the risk of liver cirrhosis.

6.Reproductive Complications

The cans of Coke are coated with chemicals which may damage a person's reproductive abilities.

7.Teeth and Bone Damage

The pH levels of soft drinks can be as much as 3.2. Such pH levels indicate the drink's acidic nature. These acidic properties hence, can dissolve enamels and bones in a short span of time. A disorder named Osteoporosis where the patient suffers from weak bones, can be observed among frequent drinkers.

An excess ingestion of sugary beverages can lead to blood sugar problems, weight gain and heart-related issues. For the same reason, the use of such products should be as minimum as possible; which is easy to follow when you're on a healthy diet. 

Hence, cutting off sodas from your life will signal the start of a new healthy journey. 

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