Early Pregnancy Signs Even Before You Miss Period

Early pregnancy signs includes more sensitive, tender, sore, or swollen breasts. Likewise, area around the nipples, called the areola, may darken

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Pregnancy generally occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg, which usually happens when a man ejaculates inside of a woman, during vaginal penetration. However, sometimes unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy even if the man ejaculates outside of the vagina. This happens as ‘pre-cum’ can be released inside the woman through an erect penis.

Are you unsure if you may be pregnant? Well, you can always get it checked using a pregnancy kit.

However, there are certain symptoms that may surface even before you miss your period when you are pregnant.

1)Swollen Breasts

After conception, many hormonal changes start taking place in the body. Due to these changes in hormones, the breasts may become more sensitive, tender, sore, or swollen.

The mammary glands feel heavy and a bit uneasy.

However, with time, the discomfort gets used to. Likewise, the circular area around the nipples, called the areola, may darken. 

2)Frequent Urination

Similar to diabetic patients, pregnant women experience the urge to empty their bladder every now and then. This too is caused due to hormonal alterations in the body.

In the course of pregnancy, the amount of blood rises, forcing the kidneys to process these increased levels of fluids, which eventually end up in the bladder. 


Spotting refers to harmless light bleeding which can occur during early pregnancy. It takes place as the growing embryo positions itself in the wall of the womb. Spotting normally happens around the time when one might be expecting to have their period. 


Fatigue is one of the fastest appearing symptoms of pregnancy. A woman can start feeling tired and sleepy as soon as one week after conceiving. This state of tiredness takes place due to increased levels of progesterone in the body. Consuming a protein-rich diet, and taking plenty of rest can ease up the process.

5)Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most common indications of gestation. However, not all women have it. Nausea and vomiting are most likely to take place in this period. Although the woman can experience nausea at any time of the day, it generally occurs in the morning. A lot of energy and nutrients leave the body through vomiting, thus it is very necessary to consume nutrient-rich food in this time frame. 


In early pregnancy, it is quite normal to experience cramps, The cramps resemble those similar to menstrual cramps. 

Many of the above-mentioned symptoms also belong to other various health complications. Although these signs may match that of pregnancy, the only sure-shot way of being certain is by doing a pregnancy checkup, through a pregnancy test kit at home, or by visiting a doctor.

Furthermore, some other signs may include nasal congestion, food aversions, constipation, bloating, mood swings, dizziness, headache, and back pain. 

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