A Step Closer to Your Dream

You need to be very specific about your goal. Saying things such as "I want to get rich" or "I want a hot wife" don't make much sense.

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Everyone, at a certain point in their lives, had a dream- a dream so beautiful that it felt unreal. As time passed, many people let go of these enormous ambitions and started working on some other things.

However, the rest of the dreamers didn't give up and did whatever they had to, to grab their aim. These exact people are an example of success, which was impossible without proper planning.

Hence, with proper planning and execution, any goal is attainable.

Here is a seven-step process, as per Brian Tracy (a world-renowned self-development author), that will help you convert your dreams into reality.

1.Decide exactly what you want

Determine the exact goal you are willing to accomplish. Saying things such as "I want to get rich" or "I want a hot wife" or "I want to be happy" don't make much sense. Your objectives need to be very specific and clear.

2.Write it down

Less than 5 percent of the people note down their targets. Writing them down gives you a clear view of what you want. This practice not only keeps you focused, but also keeps you motivated in an unusual way.

According to Brian's observations, on average, the people who jot down their goals earn up to ten times more than those who don't.

3.Set a deadline

Not all of your goals can be obtained within the next few hours of your planning. Reaching the final destination requires many constant efforts, which may take some time.

Thus, setting a deadline for some specific targets is going to ease up the process. You can also add sub-deadlines if your goal is a massive one and requires some more time.

4.Make a list

Making a list is similar to writing your goals. However, here you need to write down all the things you need to do, in order to reach your dream. It may include your daily activities, skills you need to develop, and so on. You can add up to this list until you've reached the summit of your glory.

5.Organize the list

Set your priorities straight. What do you need to do first? Second? Third? The tasks which need to be completed soon should be completed before any other. Doing this gives you a head start and keeps you on a track. 

6.Take action on your plan

Execution is as essential as the plan. Putting the plan into action is a major step. The entire plan won't work out if you fail to take this step. No matter how small the step may be, it is a really crucial one. Do a thing, anything, but just don't lay back. No matter how slow you move, you will always be ahead of those not moving at all.

7.Do something every day on your most important goal

Work everyday in order to reach your target. Do something seven weeks a day and thirty days a month. A day wasted is a step far away from that glorious fantasy. Doing something off the list takes you a step closer to your dream.


Willingness to achieve a goal is the starting point of all great success. Applying these processes in an effective mechanism on a day-to-day basis is going to bring wonders and assist you conquer your vision.

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